The Importance of Water

Water is foundational to our health and well-being. We cannot live without water. However, most of us struggle each day to drink enough of this important beverage. We recommend that you drink 1/2 oz. of water per pound you weigh. That means if you weigh 160 lbs., you need to drink 80 oz. of water. One cup of water equals 8 oz. so that means you need to drink 10 cups of water per day. This is the same as 2 1/2 quarts of water.

There are some simple ways to get more water into your diet:

    • When eating out, choose water instead of soda or another beverage with your meal. It will help increase your water intake, lower your sugar intake, and actually save you money.
    • Fill a BPA free water bottle with water and carry it with you during the day. It will become your “go to” beverage since it is always readily available.
    • Replace one beverage each day with water. It will help you gradually increase your water intake by making this a habit.

Another important thing to think about with your water, make sure it is filtered. There are many chemicals in tap water, so the healthier choice is water that has been filtered. And finally, make sure that if you use water bottles be sure they are BPA free and that you never leave plastic bottles in the sunshine.

Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. Apart from drinking it to survive, people have many other uses for water.

water bottle

The average retail price of popular bottled water products, based on a national price survey, equals $2 – $5 per gallon. PiMag water costs only a few cents per gallon. Why pay for expensive bottled water, when PiMag water costs less and is better?

The PiMag® Sport Bottle is the clean, economical and intelligent alternative to commercially bottled water.

You can enjoy clean, filtered and enhanced drinking water for a fraction of what bottled water costs. Because the PiMag Waterfall works without electricity or plumbing, it can be used in any location. Some products on the market using similar filtration technology claim to be equivalent to the PiMag Waterfall but do not perform at a comparable level and fail to meet accepted filtration test standards.

The PiMag MicroJet® Shower System uses a simple yet efficient technology to help neutralize chlorine—which in ordinary water is absorbed through the skin and is inhaled in water vapor, where it passes from the lungs into the bloodstream.